Maharishi University of Management and Technology (MUMT), Mangla, Bilaspur (C.G) was established vide Chhattisgarh Private Universities (Establishment and Operations) (Amendment) Act 2018.
Q1: When and where Maharishi University of Management and Technology (MUMT) was established?.
A1: The MUMT was established by the Act No. 10 of 2002 of Chhattisgarh Government. The university's head office is at Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). Distance Education office of the university is in New Delhi. The university came in existence immediately after Gazette notification of Government of Chhattisgarh on April 18, 2002.
Q2: Is it a Government university or a private university?
A2: MUMT has been established as a statutory university like any other university. As per the Act the running and sponsoring of this university has been given to Maharishi Shiksha Sansthan, a registered society, which runs and manages over 200 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools and Maharishi Ideal Girls Schools in 15 states of India (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, J&K, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu) with about 90,000 students. MSS also has established five campuses of Maharishi Institute of Management at Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Maharishi Nagar (near Delhi). Maharishi Institute of Management offers MBA and M.Sc in Computer Science in collaboration with Maharishi University of Management, Fair Field, lowa, USA and BBA, BCA, MBA, PGDBA, MCM with affiliation/recognition of Indian universities and AICTE.
Q3: About the University
A3: The Maharishi University of Management and Technology has been established by an Act of State Legislature of Chhattisgarh to disseminate quality education by using innovative methodology based on subject knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Management, Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi programme in the field of management and technology, which is based on our four decades experiences in India and abroad. The MUMT is an affiliating University. The programmes offered by MUMT are not only job oriented but also life oriented and life supporting. MUMT is also establishing university teaching departments in six cities of Chhattisgarh; namely, Raipur, Bilaspur, Durg, Raigarh, Jagdalpur & Mahasamund.
Q4: What are the Programmes offered by the University?
A4: The University offers 03 different programmes for regular studies in the university campuses located at Bilaspur, Raipur, Raigarh & Durg. Admission is open for the semesters starting in July. List of Programmes may be seen on course structure pages of website
Q5: Is there an entrance test for admission to the various Programmes?
A5: No, there is no entrance test. Any one can take admission in any of the programmes subject to his/her being eligible for admission as per the eligibility conditions.
Q6: When does the admission open for University programmes?
A6: The University admits student once in a year for regular courses in July/ August.
Q7: When the admission advertisement is published?
A7: The advertisement for admission is published in June every year, in all major national, state and local newspapers.
Q8: Is there any admission fee or any other fee?
A8: Yes, Rs. 500/- is charged as admission fee and Rs.300/- is charged as enrolment fee at the time of admission.
Q9: What is the Cost of the Bulletin of Information?
A9: In person Rs. 250/-, By post/courier. 280/-, By speed Post Rs. 300/-, on submitting a Demand Draft in favour of MUMT payable at university campuses in Chhattisgarh. Those obtaining through website may send additional cost of Bulletin of Information i.e. Rs. 250/- along with the fee.
Q10: What are the modes of payment of course fee?
A10: The course fee for the first semester is paid at the time of admission and for rest of the semesters, immediately after the declaration of results of the previous semester.
Q11: How are the programmes of MUMT different from other Universities?
A11: Apart from the benefits which the students gain in the normal educational system, due to adoption of time tested, scientifically validated Maharishi's Consciousness Based Education System, which emphasis on development of full Potential in each human being, there are following additional benefits: -
(a) The practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation (TM) Programme is the practical aspect of Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology which imbibes the basic principles underlying and supporting the development of higher states of consciousness, thus laying the foundation for increased intelligence in the minds of the Students and support of laws of nature. This deep connection between the students' own growth of individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness around them is an integral part of curricula at Maharishi University of Management and Technology.
(b) Maharishi Transcendental Meditation technique which is taught to every student is a simple, natural and effortless technique which is easily and systematically learned by anyone irrespective of age, education, religion, or background. The twice daily group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes create an environment that is ideal for the learning process, students gain a natural orderliness and coherence, they become more receptive to knowledge they, exhibit greater alertness; and they radiate bliss and friendliness to their classmate and their teachers.
Q12: What pattern of education is followed?
A12: Except for B.Com, B.A, B.S.W and M.A. Education all programmes are on semester basis.
Q13: Is there any concession in course fee for the MSS staff?
A13 Yes, staff of MSS is eligible to have a concession of 20% on gross fee for wife/husband/children.
Q14: Is the fee payable in lump sum?
A14: No, in three equal installments for one semester - one at the time of admission and rest in alternate months.
Q15: Is the fee refundable if a student discontinues the programme?
A15: Fee of all ineligible candidates is refunded after a deduction of Rs.100/- as admission processing charges. In other cases fee is not refundable.
Q16: Is change of course/programme permissible?
A16: Yes, but it is permitted after making a written request to the respective Heads of the Departments/ Vice Chancellor, and on payment of Rs. 500/- through a Demand Draft favouring MUMT payable at university campuses in Chhattisgarh.
Q17: Is late admission accepted after charging late fee?
A17: Yes, as per rules.
Q18: Can a student pursue two programmes simultaneously?
A18: Yes, a student can pursue one certificate and one diploma/degree course simultaneously.
Q19: Where the examinations are conducted?
A19: The examinations are held at the respective university campuses.
Q20: Is change of Examination Centre permissible?
A20: Yes, subject to the convenience of the University.
Q21: What is the examination fee?
A21: It is Rs.450/- per semester.
Q22: When the examination fee is to be paid.
A22: At the time of filling up of examination form i.e. 2 months before the Examination.
Q23: Is there any provision for late submission of examination form?
A23: Yes, with late fee as prescribed by the University.Q24: What fee is payable for issuing a duplicate Identity card?
A24: Rs. 25/- on submission of an undertaking that the Identity Card has been lost/misplaced.
Q25: What is the fee payable for a duplicate admit card?
A25: No fee is charged for issuing a duplicate admit card/roll no.
Q26: What is the fee payable for a duplicate mark sheet?
A26: Rs.250/- only.
Q27: What fee is payable for a provisional certificate?
A27: Rs. 250/- only.
Q28: If a student is not able to clear all the papers of a semester, will he be declared fail?
A28: No, he/she can reappear in those papers along with the examination of the next semester or otherwise and so on. In case he fails in four consecutive attempts, his request for reappearing in those papers will not be considered. For further appearance the decision of the Academic Council would be final and binding.